Frequently asked questions

Is there an age requirement to rent?
In most cases, the minimum age to rent one of our exotic cars or luxury villas is 25. There may be exceptions for exceptional circumstances. Contact us for details.
Do I Need Insurance?
Auto insurance is required by state law. A representative from 90210 H Group will verify that you have full coverage in effect and transferable to the vehicle you rent.

Full coverage is an auto insurance policy with comprehensive property/collision and liability coverage. Standard luxury vehicles with MSRPs below $150k require bodily injury and property damage of $100k/300k with property damage coverage of $100.

Premium luxury and exotic vehicles with MSRPs over $150k require bodily injury and property damage liability of $150k/500k with property damage coverage of $250k.

90210 H Group is self-insured for the value of each vehicle. Clients will commonly change their policies temporarily to cover them through their rental periods. We're happy to assist you and can even offer special options for international clients.
What Do I Need to Rent a Luxury or Exotic Car?
All renters are required to have a valid and major violation-free driver's license, proof of full coverage insurance, and a credit card.
Is There a Limited Number of Miles I Can Drive?
Each vehicle has a set number of free miles that are included in the daily rental fee. Contact us to learn more about specific vehicle limits.
How Much Do I Get Charged For Extra Mile?
All extra mile charges vary depending on the make, style, and model of the vehicle. We'll go over all of the details when you book.
How Do I Get The Car?
90210 H Group is happy to deliver all of our vehicles to you. You also have the option to pick up the vehicle at our Beverly Hills location during normal business hours.
What Payment Methods Do You Accept?
We gladly accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express. We do not accept personal or business checks, but there are circumstances when we can accept wires, cash, or Zelle. Contact us to learn more today.
What Is Your Cancellation Policy?
We understand that plans change, so we try to work with you on all cancellations. We have a 24-hour grace period after the initial transaction. If the reservation is canceled seven days or more before the scheduled date, there is no penalty. Cancellations occurring fewer than seven days before the scheduled date will incur a 20% rental value fee.
Do You Offer Refunds?
While 90210 H Group does not offer refunds, we do allow you to use the credit towards future bookings. If you have any issues during your rental, please contact our 24/7 customer service line immediately. We want to do everything we can to ensure you have an amazing time.
What Happens If I Get A Ticket or Toll?
Renters are responsible for all tickets and tolls incurred during your rental. You are responsible for all fees, penalties, towing charges, impound costs, tolls, tickets, etc.